Tuesday, 23 November 2010

The Price Of Lead

I was writing some nonsense verse, or virtually nonsense verse, on Facebook, and decided it was such a work of genius, that it contained such profound truths (especially when I bring in the relationship between myself and the rake), I had to post it on my weblog. Be warned, this poem is of such power, it may remain with you until your dying day - even your dying words may be a line from this poem or an allusion to it. I leave this warning, because people have told me of the tremendous impact this poem has had upon their lives, whether positive, but sadly mainly negative. You have been warned!

Here Goes...

Yes, I can tell I'm a little short of sleep,
much more or less and I will weep,
a cliff to climb it is so steep,
the ocean is a mile deep.
a leap of faith I have to take
in order to buy a second-hand rake.
now it's time for a cup of golden tea,
but I've lost my kettle, and my kettle's lost me,
for this here poem it's more than i can take,
any more crap like this
and my laptop may break.

Oh my Lord, for goodness sake,

I've bought a cuppa and drunk a rake.
just before I drive and swiftly take,
a book to read before I wake.
and before I climb into my bed,
I'll laugh so much until I'm dead.

I'd dreamed this way my life I'd take,
while grasping my tea,
and sipping my rake.
in retrospect a decent way to go,
and done just in time before the snow.

So when you read this
I'll be gone and dead.
were you aware of
the price of lead?

AJ Buttle, November 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have just been RAKED through the coals!!!You are killing me-;) You are right-I will never forget this piece and I am definitely impacted by your "WORDS"!!!

Your "Faithful Reader"
-Angela Crowell