Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Raw Bones

I stick a needle in my eye
The vein is small
And so am I

I stick a needle in my fem
My head does nod
No tomorrow then

I stick a needle in my neck
Come dance with me
My dance with Death

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

In Time...?

In time and in no time,
In tune and misfortune,
Disrobed from society's straitjacket
And flowing in your funeral gowns.
Imperfect perception and in precise perception
And in manifold receptions in multiple transmissions.
In tune with the notes of disdain,
And the lowering of the eyes.
He has spoken to God,
And we are all spies.
And his journey to Hell
He's won at first prize.
AJ Buttle March 2011