Tuesday, 26 October 2010

I Give To You

You are my Sweetheart
You are my Friend
You are the Lover in my Dreams
You weave among the meadow flowers
You soar above the city towers
You swoop to fix the fledgling bird
You see a rabbit and by reflex swerve
You kiss me with such tenderness
Your kiss I return like an arrow so true
Your love our love takes away our blues

I give to you my heart
I give to you my soul
I know you will give me tenderness
I know your heart is gold
I know you'll lie by the river for me
I know you'll do all to make us see
I know we'll see the beauty in curiosity
I know we'll live in love's strange liberty
I know we'll flow in the skies and we'll see

We will see
We'll see the swallow swooping
We'll hear the hyena laughing
And it's silhouette swooning
Laughing at the moon
Laughing at the moon
Hyena don't care, laughing at the moon
We will see
Yeah, we'll see again

A compromise here, a compromise there
A young whippersnapper sat naked on the stairs
AJ Buttle Oct 2010

I Wanna Be Her Boa

I gaze at the fire
Feel the heat that it brings
I look in the flames and see
My first true love
And I remember her voice her sing

I see her crying in sadness
And I see her tears running
Along the river with laughter

What comes in strength
Abundant in truth
Out my heart and out my soul
Is to wrap my whole self around her
As a Boa Constrictor
To protect her
To adorn her in her bridal gown
She effortlessly reveals in her love

If she cuts herself with a knife
I'll heal that opening with my hands and heart
Every drop of blood I'll rinse away
With our sadness as though it did never start
AJ Buttle October 2010

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

The Moulded Murderer

He could give himself to everyone
But the ones that loved him
He could give himself to all
Those that had moulded him into another
Yeah, he could throw himself
Like a stick of dynamite
Upon those that adorned him
Yes my friend
He was ready to explode
He was all ready to explode

But he could not throw himself on those
That had imprisoned him
He's a feral pussy in his cleaned-out cage
Walking that walk
To and fro to and fro
And people just seein' he wants OUT
And that's what he'd even yell n'' shout:
"I'm down and out, I'm down and out"
But he'll rollon his back all a-ready for
His tomcat tummy tickled
By his Jailers
And then he'll purr and purr and purr...

And those that'd free him
He'd go for their throats
With decisice incisor teeth

No, even in the Last of Days
He won't 'stop the clocks'
To plagiarise
A poet's line
To think upon those Last of Days
To think a rubber
Can erase
The build-up
To these
Last of Days
AJ Buttle October 2010

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

My Angel's Descent

My angel's descent from the heavens
All dressed up in her bridal gown
Yes, dressed in her princess dream bridal gown
Adorned in her eyes of blue
Dressed for the sacred ceremonial rites

All coming together in pure ecstatic happiness
A woman with pure heart fills mine
I wonder if I'm dreaming

And tonight we will become one
I see your soft doe eyes a-glowin'
With anticipation come the initiation rites
We were dancing With the fairies in the sun
Yes it was our blessed night
And We'll venture down to the fertile seas
And we will kiss the stars and beam like the sun

A J Buttle October 2010

Saturday, 9 October 2010

So Many Thoughts

Got so many thoughts
Streaming and Steaming
A maze of streams and screams
And Yells and Cries
And Laughin'
And Dyin'

Those streams of consciousness
There's sharp stones to be softened
And to understand that 2 is 2
To not enquire
To not enquire what to do
To not question
To just flow along the deepenin' river
That vast earth river a-movin' slow

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Preacher Man No1

He was drowning them in charisma
Through wired rooms in awe full of apocalyptic thought
They now saw above the oppressive black clouds
And in the subduing steamin' stewing rain
Through his words He enlightened them
Brought them hope
The hope creeping like poisoned ivy into his crowds

His message so profound to their ears placed him Comfortable in the skies
Or in their Rapunzel towers all medieval
In the Inquisition

You with your heads bowed -
You were obeying orders.
It's not me to blame
No don't look now
Don't shower me with this shame

The people that listened looked through long-rusted bars
As if gazing at the wondrous distant bright stars
They were looking for peace of mind
I say you won't get it here
For some peace it's so hard to find

Monday, 4 October 2010


Where is My Lord,
He is in my family
He skulks around the back
When you need sombody
Never showing his card - he holds the Ace

They blew up the mattress
And I cried to the woman/the heavens
And I CRIED for my mother
And I cried for my father
And the sands beneath my shoes were shifting

Someone told me to sit down
Then they swam
I was wearing a bloody crown
The sea was too deep
That's why they swam

O Jacob FATHER of Isaac
'n' he held onto me
The State muscle came
All Disco Blue Dancing
Strapped me Hard
On the bed
Strapped me hard
Nothin worth said

Sunday, 3 October 2010


A night and a day and not getting sectioned. mY DEAr friend jacob phoned the ambulance
They told me to sit down
They ran
And they ran
And Jacob held onto me
This is tiring
I think things get under my skin